Massey Smart Lab is focused on developing Intelligent Systems, Smart Sensors and Precision Instrumentation by bringing together expertise from a variety of disciplines including Wireless and Visible Light Communication, IoT & Remote Sensing, Sensor & Embedded Systems, Machine Learning & Big Data, Signal Processing Computer Vision and Acoustics.


Contact Details:


A/Professor Fakhrul Alam: Director

Associate Professor Fakhrul Alam is the Department Lead of Mechanical & Electrical Engineering, and Subject Lead-Engineering of Massey University. He also holds the position of Adjunct Professor with the School of Engineering and Technology of Sunway University, Malaysia. His research work has received $1M+ external funding (as PI) from the likes of the New Zealand Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE), Auckland Transport and New Zealand Forest Research Institute Limited.  A/Professor Alam is a Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers (IEEE). He is an Associate Editor of IEEE Access, Topic Editor for Sensors (MDPI), sits on the IEEE Conference Technical Program Integrity Committee (TPIC) and serves as a reviewer for the Royal Society Te Apārangi. He is a regular invited speaker at various national and international fora and has led (e.g., as General/TPC/Program/OC chair) the organization of many international conferences. 

Contact details:


Dr Mathew Legg: Research Lead

Mathew's research relates to development of acoustics/ultrasonics tools and techniques. Prior to his current position at Massey, he was a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Auckland where he worked on MBIE projects relating to the development of acoustics/ultrasonics instruments and techniques for measuring pasture biomass and the structural properties of trees. Before this he was a research fellow at Brunel Innovation Centre in Cambridge, UK where he performed research on the use of ultrasonic guided waves for nondestructive testing on several European Union projects. His PhD work related to the 3D acoustic imaging using microphone arrays (acoustic cameras).


Contact details:

Dr Daniel Konings: Research Lead

Dr Daniel Konings is a Research Lead for Massey Smart Lab and an Algorithm Engineer with Fisher & Paykel Technologies. Daniels’s research relates to the development of machine learning/signal processing techniques for embedded sensing solutions. He has received hardware grants from Nvidia for his work in machine learning solutions and has been involved in external research projects (as PI/AI), exceeding $1M+ in contract value. He is a member of  the Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and Fellow of Advance HE (FHEA).

Collaborating Researchers

We work with discipline experts from universities, industry and research institutes around New Zealand. Our collaborations and close link with our partners enable us to tackle multidisciplinary complex problems. We are working with these researchers who bring a wealth of knowledge, expertise and leadership: 

  • Dr Robert Abbel (Scion)
  • Dr Khalid Arif (Massey)
  • Professor Serge Demidenko (Massey/Sunway University)
  • Professor Edmund Lai (AUT)
  • A/Professor Ruggiero (Rino) Lovreglio (Massey)
  • Dr Frazer Noble (Massey)
  • A/Professor Melanie Ooi (University of Waikato)
  • Professor Johan Potgieter (MAF-DL)
  • Dr M A Rashid (Massey)

Doctoral Researchers

Smart Lab hosts a number of PhD students who underpin our research. A list of current doctoral researchers working on our projects: 

  • Mohammad Sharafat Ali
  • Moi Tin Chew
  • Tyrel Glass
  • Abizer Khambati
  • Eric Ma
  • Susan Mander
  • Baden Parr

Current UG Research Students

Undergraduate research students are an important part of Smart Lab. They are valuable members of our research team. While working with us, they gain research training. Current list of UG research students working at Smart Lab:

  • Joe Chance
  • Benjamin Chapelow
  • Jasmine Wang
  • Alex Xu